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WPMOY Campaign


I co-led the Walter Payton Man of the Year Campaign with our graphic designer, Daniel Goldfarb. We wanted to make sure each piece of content directly reflected everything Cam Newton embodied. From his style, foundation, football league and more we incorporated each aspect in every graphic, video and tweet. 

  • Used Cam's hat as a way to incorporate Nationwide organically. Cam is known for his hat choices, and we decided to use this as a staple throughout the campaign.

  • 5 million impressions across all social platforms

  • Over 600K fan votes

  • Won the #WPMOYChallenge 

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  • Worked with graphics to create frames filled with details close to Cam and his foundation 

  • These frames were adjusted to match each platform. 

  • Gathered giveaways to help spark RTs with the #WPMOYChallenge hashtag

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